13 Months

We are glad for you to join us in celebrating our family, and we hope you will help us protect the kids' privacy and not re-post pictures to Facebook or other social media. Thank you.
Look mom, I can climb!
Clearly I need a bigger bed
Playing with Daddy
Loves playing in laundry basket just like Mommy did
Learning to share toys
Driving like Aunt Deeta
Cooking Lesson
Shall I use my fork to eat tonight or not? Let me ponder...
Really, mom, you had to lock me out
What are these....
ELLLLMMMMOOOO Slippers! I love them!!!
Let me take them off and put them on again
I love you, sheep
Cousin's toys are always more fun (horse and screw driver...)
Roaming Aunt Sissy's neighborhood
Fun at Aunt Sissy's and Uncle Phil's House
Superman ready for bed
Both shoes are still on....TADA!
Kid LOVES his pinwheel
Hard to walk in shoes in grass
Children's Sermon during the outdoor service
Yehaw Bulldog
Baby gate fail
Loves his fireman jacket
Not quick enough throwing the ball for Hunter
Rolling through town
Pimped out with AC and a hood ornament
2 minutes later he started gnawing on a rock
You're not mowing...PICK ME UP!
Helping rake
This would be more fun if it was wet.
Bacon bandaid for a boo boo
Ready for bedtime story and prayers
Plant delivery
First time at the Zoo
First time on a train
Feeding the fishies
petting zoo
groundhog tunnel
family fun on the train
yum yum
nom nom


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